It's such an exciting time for us here at HavaHug Havanese! We're anxiously awaiting the birth of our girl's 2 litters this month! Their whelping boxes are so sweet and the vet bedding fleece makes them so comfy and cozy. They are so comfortable, in fact, that the kids want to sleep in them! haha! :)
We are now anticipating two GORGEOUS litters from KitKat and Zuzu this Fall and we are soooo incredibly excited!!! As the famous quote by Charles Schulz states, "Happiness is a warm puppy". Anyone who has had the experience of nestling their face into the fluffy neck of a warm pup, or holding a precious furbaby in their arms, heart to heart, knows this to be true. They have the uncanny ability to melt away stress. They warm our thoughts and ease our cares. They bring softness, sweetness and joy into our lives. How incredible is that? What an extraordinary treasure.
"Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place in museums;
others, we take for walks." Roger Caras Right on, Roger. Right on. <3 I came across this quote today and I was struck by how true it is. Never have I known another living being as utterly selfless as a loving dog.
"Dogs are minor angels, and I don't mean that facetiously. They love unconditionally, forgive immediately, are the truest of friends, willing to do anything that makes us happy, etc. If we attributed some of those qualities to a person we would say they are special. If they had all of them, we would call them angelic." – Jonathan Carroll Ok, so I seem to be suffering from what is known as Multiple Havanese Syndrome. I just can't get enough of these little flufferbutts and I am always fighting the urge to add another sweet little havanese (or two) to our pack!
But, in all seriousness, my need really is somewhat justified. As you can see here... I'm still a couple havs shy of enough for a full-size lap blanket! Now, I know it's summer, but we all know winter is not far off and Michigan winters can be tough! I think this situation must be addressed asap! It's practically a crisis! There is nothing as warm and inspiring as the unconditional love of a dog. It never ceases to amaze me. They live to love and there is such a valuable lesson for us in that. They have also taught us the simple keys to increasing joy....
More snuggling. More smiling. More laughing. Our precious little clowns are truly great architects of joy! ![]() Sharing life with a havanese means spending your days experiencing soft snuggles, sweet smiles, and continuous outpourings of affection. Havs live to love and they love to please! How incredibly blessed are we, to have this kind of gift times 3? Living the "Hav Life" means living the dream. It just doesn't get any sweeter!
AuthorMy name is Jessica Clark and I am the mom here at Havahug Havanese! We are not a kennel, but rather a hav loving family raising and breeding the most precious and charming havanese puppies. Between our large family and our furbabies, there is never a dull moment here. Both our home and our hearts are full ... and that is just the way we like it! Archives
October 2014
The Hav Life
They say that havanese are like chocolates.
One is never enough. I can attest to this truism. Life doesn't get any better than when you are sharing it with a havanese... or, in our case, several!